Bienvenue & Welcome
Our parish initiatives.
The theme for Project Advance in 2024 is Building our Parish Community. Our goal for this year is $42,000. The goal for the Archdiocese is $11,700. It would be wonderful to surpass this goal for the Seismic Upgrade of the School. We ask for your prayers and for your tangible contributions via cash, cheque, credit card, through the website or in person at the Parish Office. Thank you for your continued generosity. Donate.
School Seismic Upgrade
The seismic upgrade of Blessed Sacrament School is
finished, but we still have to repay the loan. Your donations for the work done is both necessary and greatly appreciated. You can contribute in several ways:
By the orange envelopes in your box of envelopes,
By cheque made out to the Parish, or
Online at either autodeposit.bsacr@rcav.org
Through Project Advance at: support.rcav.org/project-advance/
(for this donation make sure you note "School Seismic Upgrade" in the comments box).
Welcome to Blessed Sacrament Parish
Father Gilbert Nunez officially began his Pastoral journey at our Parish on Sunday, July 31st and was installed on December 3, 2023 by Archbishop Michael Miller. Fr Gilbert was ordained in Kaohsiung, Taiwan in 2000, and was the vice-rector at the Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Kaohsiung before his assignment as Rector of the Archdiocesan Missionary Seminary Redemptoris Mater of Vancouver from 2013 to 2021.
What's happening in our parish and in our community
Additional Confession Times
There will be additional confession times during the Jubilee Year. Click on the tab MASS TIMES for more information.
Pancake Breakfast at BSP
The popular Pancake Breakfast at our Parish is returning on Mother's Day, Sunday, May 11th in the church hall, after the Sunday Masses. All are welcome to enjoy a delicious menu, share fellowship with brother and sister
parishioners, all the while contributing to the needs of the Parish. This event is organized by the Knights of Columbus. The suggested contribution is $8.
Project Advance Update
The theme for Project Advance in 2024 was "Building our Parish Community." Our goal was $42,000. Of this amount, the goal for the Archdiocese was $11,700. The total collected was $61,270.50! After campaign expenses, our total rebate was $48,669.23. Everything contributed beyond our goal helps pay for the Seismic Upgrade of the School. We ask for your prayers and for your tangible contributions via cash or cheque in person at the Parish Office or by credit card at support.rcav.org/project‐advance/ Thank you for your continued generosity!